Showcase Student Voice With Lyric Lab

Showcase student voice with Lyric Lab

Over the summer, I had the honor and privilege to attend Flipgrid’s Student Voice Conference in Minnesota. At the event, I was able to hear the always inspiring Matt Miller speak. This is not the first nor the last time, but every time I watch him present, I leave with inspiration and motivation to do better for my kids and my teachers. During his keynote, he said something that has stuck with me since. We often advocate for student voice, by saying things such as “let’s give our students a voice.” But Matt’s statement rings so true. They already have…

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Lyric Lab In Action: Flocabulary & Project-Based Learning

Lyric Lab in Action: Flocabulary & Project-Based Learning

I originally learned about Flocabulary when I attended ISTE last summer in Chicago and went to the Flocabulary concert. Both the energy and message were so inspiring to me. I came back to school in the fall knowing I HAD to get more teachers involved in using this amazing and engaging tool. A great way to do this was by creating a Lyric Lab option for our 10th graders’ yearly personal project.

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