Flocabulary’s First Twitter Chat: A #FlocabChat Recap!
On September 13, we hosted our very first #FlocabChat on Twitter! Shoutout to our inaugural host, Flocab MC & longtime friend, Jon Smith, who led us in our new chat adventure fearlessly and enthusiastically. We were overwhelmed not only by the awesome response, but by the quality of ideas that were exchanged between members of the Flocab community.
At Flocabulary, we’re passionate about student engagement and student voice. For our kick-off #FlocabChat, we were eager to hear the community’s insights on how to hook students on writing across subject areas. See below for highlights of the conversation and takeaways to implement at your own school.
Special thanks to all of our Twitter friends that participated in the chat – we can’t wait to do it again. More details to come on the next #FlocabChat!