

Do you fear the number 13? If you've looked at your calendar today you've noticed that today is the 13th. Friday the 13th. Are you cowering under your comforter? If you're one of the millions of people that fear this day, you have triskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13. The word comes from Greek roots; tris meaning "3", kai meaning "and", deka meaning "10" and phobia meaning "fear" or "morbid fear." Triskaidekaphobia became so common that many architects and city planners let it affect their work. Some cities don't have a 13th Street or 13th Avenue. Airports will skip the 13th gate. Hospitals and hotels often won't…

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The Week In Vocab

The Week in Vocab

Review the Biggest Buzzwords of the Week! When you follow national and worldwide affairs, you get access to controversial murder cases, big money, planes falling out of the sky and more. Each week, we’ll highlight the top buzzwords or terms that your students might not have known or even heard until now. All these words are featured in the most recent edition of The Week in Rap. And once students beef up their vocab, the news will make a lot more sense. THIS WEEK second-degree murder (noun) -- non-premeditated killing, resulting from an assault in which death of the victim…

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The Week In Vocab

The Week in Vocab

Review the Biggest Buzzwords of the Week! When you follow national and worldwide affairs, you get access to perfect basketball teams, controversial Supreme Court decisions, mind-reading devices, dyed animals and more. Each week, we’ll highlight the top buzzwords or terms that your students might not have known or even heard until now. All these words are featured in the most recent edition of The Week in Rap. And once students beef up their vocab, the news will make a lot more sense. THIS WEEK incomparable (adjective) -- without an equal Why it matters: The Baylor women's basketball team was the first in…

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How To Be An Entrepreneur Lesson Plan

How to Be An Entrepreneur Lesson Plan

Here at the Flocab HQ, whenever we see an email from JoDee Luna--an innovative educator in Lancaster, California--we know it's going to be good. Luna is always dreaming up creative and fun ways to get her students involved, and she recently sent us this great lesson plan to go along with our Word Up vocabulary song, "How To Be An Entrepreneur." This lesson gives students experience writing application letters and interviewing, while also teaching 15 vocabulary words. See some student examples from Luna's class at the bottom. We liked one so much that we hung it up on our office…

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