How To Build Student Connections Using Music To Teach In The Classroom

How to build student connections using music to teach in the classroom

Hip-hop, a cultural movement started by Black and Latinx youth in New York in the early ’70s, is a great launching point for using music to teach. When used as a part of instruction, hip-hop can help to engage students, bring curriculum to life, and reinforce core knowledge and skills, including vocabulary support and reading comprehension. How can music be used in education? Hip-hop pedagogy, essentially applying hip-hop elements to teaching methods, gives students a chance to share their knowledge with other classmates and analyze experiences of their own as well as others’ in a meaningful way. It can act…

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Social And Emotional Learning Overview

Social and emotional learning overview

There’s been a lot of talk about social and emotional learning (SEL) in the education space in recent years. Looking for an intro to SEL and what it means for teachers and students? We’ve got you covered. What is taught in social and emotional learning Social and emotional learning goes beyond academics by fostering empathy, building and maintaining positive relationships, and making responsible decisions. Major goals of social and emotional learning are to teach students: Self-awareness: Having a clear perception of your personality, thus allowing you to understand other people, and how they perceive youSelf-management: Taking responsibility for one’s actionsSocial…

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What The Research Shows: Social & Emotional Learning And Student Achievement

What the Research Shows: Social & Emotional Learning and Student Achievement

Breaking news: The education space is constantly shifting. (Kidding, we know you don’t need us to tell you that.) Whether it’s ed tech, policy, or financing, Flocabulary strives to keep on top of issues and trends that matter to educators. We’ve kept a close pulse on social and emotional learning (SEL) over the past few years, and what we’ve learned is teaching students skills beyond what they can derive from a textbook is key to a student’s success in school and in life. Educators must now prepare students for careers in a soft skills economy with rapidly changing technology, likely…

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