What’s New On Flocabulary.com?

What’s new on Flocabulary.com?

We are SO excited to finally share our new website, which is lookin' fresh from its back-to-school makeover. You'll probably notice that everything is prettier, but there have been some major feature upgrades as well. Make sure you check out all of the handy new tools in our toolbox!: 1. CCSS Alignment Guide We know that Common Core alignment is a major concern for many of our teachers. That's why we made it easier than ever to browse Flocabulary units by Common Core standard. With our new Standards Alignment guide, you can browse by ELA or math as well as…

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Mini Lessons For The Last 18 Years In Rap

Mini Lessons for The Last 18 Years in Rap

[jwplayer file=http://flocabulary.s3.amazonaws.com/media-jrev/18-years-in-rap-2014-media.mp4 image=http://flocabulary.s3.amazonaws.com/images-jrev/18-years-in-rap-2014-image.jpg]  Check out the lyrics and more. We're celebrating the Class of 2014 by calling off our usual Week in Rap... and replacing it with the top news stories from the last 18 years! Hey grads: We've got the biggest news from every year of your life. And for those of you who were born a little earlier, let's see how much you remember. Then, follow up the video with our trivia worksheet, or one of these easy-to-use Mini Lessons. They are listed in order of time required, from quickest to most involved. The Last 18 Years in Rap…

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Summer Reading (and Videos!) For All Levels

Summer Reading (and Videos!) for All Levels

Assigning enjoyable summer reading titles can help keep those literary gears turning over vacation — and hopefully introduce kids to new favorite books. We've assembled a summer reading list for all grade levels based on various recommended reading lists. Give summer reading a multimedia twist by using Flocabulary videos to supplement! For each book, we handpicked a Flocabulary video that explores similar themes, so you can give your students a sneak peek and get them excited before they leave. Pre-K/K What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? By Steve Jenkins This 2004 Caldecott Honor Book takes us on…

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Flocabulary Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week

Flocabulary Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week

Here at Flocabulary, there's no one we love more than an inspirational teacher. We are so excited to take this week to celebrate the great gifts that our teachers give us. We want to share some videos and stories about teachers who are making a difference every day in their schools and their communities. 1. Ten inspiring teachers give TED talks Click to watch all 10 TED talks. 2. Creative teachers from Jennings High School in St. Louis motivate their kids for testing 3. Five exemplary teachers discuss their strategies for success Click to see the other videos and read…

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Student Portmanteaus

Student Portmanteaus

Every week we have a new Week in Rap Shout Out Contest and give a shout-out to the winner on Friday. For this week's contest, we asked you to concoct a portmanteau, combining the sounds and meanings of two words. Flocabulary is a portmanteau, in fact. And you all really wowed us with your creativity this week – we received hundreds of inventive entries. Narrowing it down to just one winner was difficult work! In the end, the win goes to Andrew Carnegie Elementary School in Chicago, Illinois. They came up with the following portmanteaus: Lucrinite – Lucrative + Infinite…

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