The Week In Vocab

The Week in Vocab

Review the Biggest Buzzwords of the Week! When you follow national and worldwide affairs, you get access to presidential visits, statement-making representatives, cheating scandals, deep sea dives, box office hits and more. Each week, we’ll highlight the top buzzwords or terms that your students might not have known or even heard until now. All these words are featured in the most recent edition of The Week in Rap. And once students beef up their vocab, the news will make a lot more sense. THIS WEEK impoverished (adjective) -- reduced to poverty; poverty-stricken Why it matters: President Obama, on an official visit to…

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Classification Lesson Plan

Classification Lesson Plan

We always like to hear how teachers are using Flocabulary to best meet the needs of their students. So when Tammy Seneca of West Baton Rouge Parish Schools sent us this awesome lesson to teach scientific classification, we couldn't wait to share it with our community. This lesson teaches students to classify life by Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species.

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Who Was Hernán Cortés?

Who Was Hernán Cortés?

Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro was a Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition to the New World that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. Conquistadors were soldiers, explorers and adventurers at the service of the Spanish or Portuguese Empires. They sailed around the world conquering territories for their rulers, colonizing the New World and opening trade routes. Learn more about conquistadors in Flocabulary's song "Glory & Gold." Cortés was born to a family of lesser nobility. Before bringing down the Aztec Empire he made a name for himself in Cuba, where he received an encomienda (a system employed…

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The Week In Vocab

The Week in Vocab

Review the Biggest Buzzwords of the Week! When you follow national and worldwide affairs, you get access to claims of self-defense, high stock prices, old mysteries, sports trades and more. Each week, we’ll highlight the top buzzwords or terms that your students might not have known or even heard until now. All these words are featured in the most recent edition of The Week in Rap. And once students beef up their vocab, the news will make a lot more sense. THIS WEEK self-defense -- a countermeasure to an assault on one's self, one's property or the well-being of another from…

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What Is The Rosetta Stone?

What is the Rosetta Stone?

A Lesson Plan About Ancient Egypt: Students Create Their Own Rosetta Stone For thousands of years after the end of the ancient Egyptian civilization, people appreciated how pretty hieroglyphics were, but couldn't read them. All the information in the hieroglyphics was lost. This all changed in 1799, in a town called Rosetta, in Egypt, when archaeologists found the Rosetta stone. What is the Rosetta Stone? This smooth dark stone is almost four feet tall, and it has three different languages written on it. Because the same passage is written in Greek, demotic (another ancient language) and hieroglyphics, historians have been…

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