Get Serious About Play

Get Serious About Play

Five ways to get kids playing and learning The national focus on standardized testing has left behind the once-sacred time for kids to race to the top of the jungle gym. Recess is in retreat, and the lack of time for play may actually be hurting students—and their test scores. Simply put, play is good for you. Here are five ways you can give your kids a brain break: 1. Give your students at least 15 minutes a day of recess A study in the journal Pediatrics found that adding just 15 minutes a day of recess improves student behavior…

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“Shakespeare Was The First MC”

“Shakespeare was the first MC”

Five Things to know about Devon Glover When Devon Glover isn't working as an emcee on Flocabulary projects, he works at an after-school program in a tough Brooklyn neighborhood. In addition, he recently collaborated with a Broadway producer to create The Sonnet Man, a collection of Shakespearean sonnets in hip-hop form. Devon was a math major in college but had to leave a semester before graduation to help his mother and brother with some personal issues. His inspiring story was featured this January on The Today Show. Devon sat down with Flocabulary this week to tell us Five Things about…

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Interview With Alex Rappaport, Flocabulary Co-Founder

Interview with Alex Rappaport, Flocabulary Co-Founder

Alex Rappaport, co-founder and CEO of Flocabulary, has spent the last few years transforming an idea into a business and a business into a movement. It's been an eventful year for Flocabulary: From producing new programs to fending off attacks from Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck. We sat down with Alex (he doesn't sit far away) and asked him to reflect on education, entrepreneurship, and life. 1. What do you find most rewarding about your job? Are there particular moments that stand out? I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to work on something that helps people. Running a business can…

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"Teach Me How To Study" – YES!!!

"Teach Me How to Study" – YES!!!

For anyone that doesn't know, there's a very popular song that's been out called "Teach Me How To Dougie" by California Swag District. What Mr. Cee and his 8th graders did is "Hip-Hop Classroom" it up, in an incredible way. Here's their description. Enough said: "teAch me how 2 dOugie REMIXED by 8th grAde students @ celerity nascent charter school locAted in tha heart of Los Angeles... concept.. shOt.. directed.. and cut by their technology teacher, Mr. Cee" Challenge your kids to remix a popular and current hip-hop song with lyrics praising academic excellence for a fun, powerful project! Here…

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Top 8 Inspiring, Mind-Blowing Video Lectures

Top 8 Inspiring, Mind-Blowing Video Lectures

Have you gotten as hooked on amazing video lectures as we have? If not, here's a primer. These animated and filmed lectures are guaranteed to open your mind and get you (or your students) thinking about the world in new ways. Enjoy! The Secret Powers of Time Professor Philip Zimbardo sheds light on how our outlook towards time affects our work, health and well-being. Time influences who we are as people, how we view relationships and how we act in the world. And it's all presented in this engaging animation. Can Math be as Amazing as Magic? You've never…

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