There’s No Such Thing As Being Good Or Bad At Science

There’s No Such Thing As Being Good Or Bad At Science

While I enjoyed studying the different biology courses in high school and college, I would never have admitted to anyone that I was good in science. However, when you’re a poor college graduate looking for a paycheck, and they offer you a science teaching position, you take it or starve! Thus, my first few years of teaching were in math and science. The amazing thing is how I learned to teach it effectively through the lens of a kid who struggled--yes, that kid was me! Do you sometimes feel stuck when teaching science? Can I be of any help? Here…

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New Year, New You: 6 Tips For Surviving This School Year

New Year, New You: 6 Tips for Surviving This School Year

Looking back, 2016-17 was my most successful school year yet. All the ideas I had about my own classroom started to take form as I reflected on the things that went well and tanked in previous years. I finally incorporated the perfect balance of rigor, high expectations and consistent classroom management, all while facilitating a classroom culture that encouraged our students to form a real community.   Here are some real ideas and teacher tips to help you and your students grow through the course of this next school year!

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