Meet Our MCE of the Month: Natalie Stuart

Natalie: I have always loved working with kids and I have a passion for learning and continuing to grow (as a person) and teaching allows me to infuse those two things!
I strive to teach my students to be well rounded individuals in life and society. It is important for them to master the standards and content of the grade level, however, it’s just as important to me to ensure they show good character and treat others with kindness and respect. I also always try to emphasize their strengths over their weaknesses and promote positivity as much as possible.
I use Flocabulary across all subject areas. I usually use it the first day that I introduce a new concept since it is a great attention grabber for my kids. Once we review the vocabulary cards, we watch the video. On the second through fifth day of teaching a concept, we continue with the other elements the lesson as to offer (Read & Respond, Quiz, Lyric Lab, etc.). I also have the kids pair up or work in groups if the content is on a higher level.

Lyric lab is so awesome! I paired up the kids and they were each given a character trait to rap about. They are so proud of their work so I made a bulletin board out of it!

The most memorable experiences for me is when the students relate the content they are learning to a part of a Flocabulary rap lyric. I also love when they are able to explain how they make connections across subject areas with a given topic. For example, during a Week in Rap video, one of my students recently told me the point of view of the rapper in the Week in Rap video because we just watched Point of View!
Keep it simple! Flocabulary has so many amazing components and they can be overwhelming at first, but over time it’s easy to get the hang of all that it has to offer. Start off with a video and a Quiz, and try new components as time goes by!
Learning about natural resources the best way we know how, with #Flocabulary! 👍🏼🎤📚 #educationalrap @flocabulary #thirdgrade #knownova pic.twitter.com/GTn9sZ8JtE
— Miss Stuart (@msstuartssquad) September 14, 2018
The excitement is real y’all. We made it to #weekinrapjr and we have been nothing but smiles ALL DAY! Thank you @Flocabulary for this awesome honor! ♥️🎶📝 #Flocabulary @NovaEisenhower #msstuartsclass #flocabularymce pic.twitter.com/1emffmoH1W
— Miss Stuart (@msstuartssquad) April 27, 2018
Flocabulary has brought joy in learning to my kids on so many levels. My school is a Title I school and we don’t have a music program due to funding. This is a way for students to express themselves and enjoy what music has to offer through the standards. I also love that they are able to express their creativity through Lyric Lab, which they wouldn’t be able to do (musically) otherwise since there are no other opportunities of this kind here.

Being an MCE has allowed me to flourish professionally in so many ways. First off, I love that I get to enjoy music in my classroom almost on a daily basis. I especially love that it is relevant with our society. In addition, I have been able to use Flocabulary as an alternative method to a typical formative assessment and it has really increased understanding and standards mastery consistently, even with my low expectancy students. I also love the MCE community because I am able to connect with other educators.
My name is Ms. Stuart, I teach third grade,
down in Davie, Florida where we lay in the shade.
Nova Eisenhower Elementary is where we learn,
we use Flocabulary to the point of no return.
Reading, math, science, you name it,
There are so many rhymes, their lyrics are lit!
We love their beats, we learn so much,
Our grades have soared, they’re the best of the bunch!
Mic drop. Be sure to check out Natalie’s takeover of the Flocabulary Instagram this week!