10 Activities To Celebrate The End Of The School Year (Blog Image)

10 End of the school year activities to celebrate with students

At the end of the school year, schedules get weird, students get loopy, and the activities that hooked kids all year suddenly aren’t working anymore. Whether you’re reviewing for finals or rewarding your students for a year of hard work, we’ve got Flocabulary end of the school year activities for elementary and middle school. With Flocabulary’s engaging lessons, videos, and activities, you’ll have everything you need to keep learning lively until the very last day!

New to Flocabulary? Teachers can sign up for a trial to access our lesson videos and assessment activities. Administrators can get in touch with us to learn more about unlocking the full power of Flocabulary through Flocabulary Plus.

10 ways to use Flocabulary for end of the school year activities

1. Review test-taking strategies

Test-taking strategies Vocab Game

Prep for final exams with test prep for end of year school activities. Flocabulary’s Test-Taking Strategies lesson defines key vocabulary words like “elimination,” “prioritize,” and “focus” that students will likely need to understand in the questions and text-taking environment on standardized tests. Once students watch the video, they can follow up for a deeper understanding of the vocabulary and concepts with the Quiz, Read & Respond, and even do a Lyric Lab activity about their own test-taking strategies.

2. Use the Word Up Project to teach lessons about Tier 2 high-frequency words

Flocabulary Word Up vocabulary lessons

If you’ve been only using our core subject areas for lessons on reading, writing, science, math, or social studies, you could be missing out on our best lessons yet. Use the Word Up lessons on vocabulary to help students develop and practice Tier 2 academic vocabulary. Tier 1 vocabulary are those words students start school already knowing. Tier 2 are high-frequency words students typically see across all subject areas on standardized tests. These are words like “analyze” or “explain.” Tier 3 words are subject-specific terms like “sedimentary” for talking about rocks in science.

The Word Up Project has proven to increase student test scores. Select the color that aligns with the grade level(s) you teach and do one lesson a week for review at the end of the year or throughout the year to prepare.

3. Time travel through history

Social studies lessons

If you have two weeks to go before your US History, Ancient World History, or Modern World History exam, Flocabulary can help you review in just a few minutes each day. Watch one video on a topic and use the fun activities to support vocabulary acquisition. Is your exam sooner? Double or triple up on your videos. Either way, you’ll get all the key facts and vocabulary from each historical period.

4. Translate Flocabulary

Whether you teach foreign language classes or have English language learners in your class, translate a Flocabulary song–or part of one–into another language. Get inspired by these Chinese grad students who translated Hip-Hop U.S. History. And then get started on your own!

The Week in Rap lessons

5. Rap the school year

What were the biggest events at your school this year? Use the Week in Rap as inspiration to write a rap about the most important events from the school year. If there’s time, you could record the rap and share it with the school.

Scientific Method Flocabulary lesson

6. Integrate the scientific method into everyday life

The scientific method isn’t just used with beakers, test tubes, and complicated apparatus. Students can use it to figure out everything from the best type of joke to tell their little brother to the best route to school. Review the Scientific Method lesson video to freshen up this material for students and discuss what unique ways they can use it in their life.

7. Go on a literacy scavenger hunt

Literacy doesn’t just happen in a library. Practice literacy skills all over town with this scavenger hunt. Analyze billboards, create a guidebook to your town, and even educationally eavesdrop. See the 16 scavenger hunt assignments here.

8. Write a vocabulary skit

If you’ve been using vocabulary lessons from The Word Up Project, your students now know at least one hundred new words! Challenge students to write skits or full-length plays, that use as many of the words as possible.

Add & Subtract 7 lesson and end of the year activities for elementary students

9. Hold a math facts competition

In our math lessons, the second verse gives students opportunities to say the answer before the rapper. Whether your students have mastered addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division this year, challenge students to see how many problems they can solve before the rapper says the answer.

10. Investigate environmental changes heading into summer

As the temperatures heat up for summer break, it is a good time to learn more about environmental science and changes. Begin with our song all about environmental change, and then assign small groups to research more information about different aspects of the environment.

Start using these summer learning and end of school year activities

As the last days of school wind down, keep students engaged with fun and reflective activities. Some additional examples include a colorful bulletin board that can showcase their creativity as they write or draw about their experiences. Simple activities work well for elementary students, while a thoughtful writing activity or a meaningful read aloud can be great for any grade. In middle school, interactive ideas can help maintain energy and focus. We hope that even if you take one idea from this post, it takes one thing off your very full plate. We are so very proud of you. Celebrate all of your accomplishments by wrapping up the school year and making your way into the summer fun!

Once the school year wraps up, summer learning offers students a valuable opportunity to review academic content and keep previously learned material fresh. Use this list of helpful tips and lessons you can use for summer learning.

New to Flocabulary? Teachers can sign up for a trial to access our lesson videos and assessment activities. Administrators can get in touch with us to learn more about unlocking the full power of Flocabulary through Flocabulary Plus.