
Teaching Students about #MeToo

We know that teaching students about some current events topics can be difficult and even uncomfortable. But we also know that a curriculum grounded in current events gives students a foundation of knowledge to navigate complex issues and become global citizens. That’s why we created the Week in Rap and.

We want to make it easier for teachers to have vital and challenging conversations about any news story. This is especially important with an issue as sensitive and expansive as #MeToo.

#MeToo, as a movement, is about bravery and awareness. But teachers are not immune to the trauma at the heart of the movement. Many of the resources we share here begin with tips for self-care for educators.  

Our blog post How to Help Students Process Tragedy in the News offers several suggestions from experts in the field for taking care of your students and taking care of yourself while not shying away from processing tragedy in your classroom. Below, we’ve compiled additional resources that we hope will spark productive and informative conversations related to #MeToo and help students learn to take care of one another as well.

The #TeachThem Movement

#TeachThem is a campaign from the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). #TeachThem aims to build upon the hashtag of #MeToo, and advocate for sex ed that teaches young people about sexual assault, harassment and consent.

You can learn more about #TeachThem here.

Additional Resources & Tips for Teaching About #MeToo

Make the classroom a safe environment for everyone

This New York Times Learning Network post offers tips for talking to students about sensitive issues.This includes guidelines such as “no interrupting,” “share to your comfort level,” “you have the right to pass,” “no name-calling” and so on.

Promote a classroom culture that is centered on consent

There are many resources for teaching consent to all age groups. We found this article from UC Santa Barbara particularly helpful.

The New York Times has also gathered lesson plans for teaching about #MeToo and sexual harassment.

SEL connections

Flocabulary’s Social & Emotional Learning units can also help start conversations about respect, trust and empathy with your students. More information below!

SEL Connections

In our Love & Valentine’s Day unit, students learn about consent by asking friends if they want a hug before giving them one.

In our Building Empathy video, students will learn to look at the world from other people’s perspectives and understand how they’re feeling.

Our Bullying video stresses the importance of telling a trusted adult if someone is making you feel unsafe.