5 Back to school tips for new teachers to achieve a successful start
Power in Poems: Flocab tips for engaging students through poetry
There’s No Such Thing As Being Good Or Bad At Science
While I enjoyed studying the different biology courses in high school and college, I would never have admitted to anyone that I was good in science. However, when you’re a poor college graduate looking for a paycheck, and they offer you a science teaching position, you take it or starve! Thus, my first few years of teaching were in math and science. The amazing thing is how I learned to teach it effectively through the lens of a kid who struggled--yes, that kid was me! Do you sometimes feel stuck when teaching science? Can I be of any help? Here…
Ideal Response Time
How much time do you give your students to answer questions you pose in class? Most teachers give students a second or less to respond, but a large body of research shows that this is far too little. Studies have found that teachers achieve the best results when they pause for three to seven seconds after asking a higher-level question. When given this time, students respond more thoughtfully and are able to make more meaningful connections to the content. But more time isn't always better. Studies also show that waiting too long creates apathy and boredom in the classroom. Giving…