Meet Our MCE Of The Month: Amy Storer

Meet Our MCE of the Month: Amy Storer

Amy: I am a graduate of Lamar University with a Master's in Educational Technology Leadership. I truly love being an instructional coach for Montgomery ISD. This year is my third year as a campus coach, and I am so happy to be at our newest elementary school, Keenan Elementary. I have taught grades 1-4, and I am also the lead technology integration mentor for my district. I hold two Teacher of the Year distinctions and, in 2015, I was a top four finalist in HEB's Excellence in Education in the "Leadership Elementary" category. I am an educator that encourages and motivates…

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Flocabulary’s Lyric Lab: A Springboard To Student Creativity

Flocabulary’s Lyric Lab: A Springboard to Student Creativity

Flocabulary has always been about innovating student engagement and learning. At the forefront of our new Flocab features this coming school year is Lyric Lab, a tool built right within Flocabulary units that allow students to write their own academic rhymes.

Our videos engage students, instructional tools let them master content, and now Lyric Lab places writing and creativity at their fingertips. Students can demonstrate content mastery not just through Read & Respond or an assigned quiz, but by applying their knowledge through writing, too.

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