Bloom’s Taxonomy Explained With Examples For Educators

Bloom’s Taxonomy explained with examples for educators

There are many approaches, strategies, and schools of thought (pun intended!) associated with education, learning, and student success. One framework, Bloom’s taxonomy, is a keystone for many educators who want to build higher-order thinking skills while developing student confidence. In fact, it was developed to provide a common language for teachers and educators to discuss and exchange learning and assessment methods. Keep reading to learn more about Bloom’s taxonomy and how Flocabulary lessons are crafted to follow this tried-and-true method for engaging and empowering students. What is Bloom’s taxonomy? In 1956, a group of educators, including psychologist Benjamin Bloom, came…

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How To Build Student Connections Using Music To Teach In The Classroom

How to build student connections using music to teach in the classroom

Hip-hop, a cultural movement started by Black and Latinx youth in New York in the early ’70s, is a great launching point for using music to teach. When used as a part of instruction, hip-hop can help to engage students, bring curriculum to life, and reinforce core knowledge and skills, including vocabulary support and reading comprehension. How can music be used in education? Hip-hop pedagogy, essentially applying hip-hop elements to teaching methods, gives students a chance to share their knowledge with other classmates and analyze experiences of their own as well as others’ in a meaningful way. It can act…

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