Twitter Travels Faster Than Seismic Waves

Twitter Travels Faster than Seismic Waves

Here at the Flocab HQ in Brooklyn, we got a little bit shaken up during Tuesday's earthquake. An earthquake is a surprising thing around these parts! But if we'd been dutifully checking our Twitter feed, we could have learned about the quake before it even rattled the Brooklyn Bridge. Turns out: Twitter travels faster than seismic waves. According to this article, it would have been possible for us to read about the earthquake in New York a good minute before we felt it. If you read about the news before it actually happens, does that make you a time traveller?…

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It’s Wordplay Wednesday!

It’s Wordplay Wednesday!

Wednesday is a special day for Flocabulary. Each Wednesday, we celebrate our favorite witty classroom-appropriate lines from the hip-hop world and literature, and then we prompt everyone to try their hand at writing some wordplay. So to celebrate those of you heading back to school, here's today's official Wordplay Wednesday: "Either you're gonna whine or you climb; I chose the latter" -J. Cole Today's mission? Leave a comment with motivational wordplay for all the kids starting school this week. GO! And if you use Twitter, share your best lines with the hashtag #WordplayWednesday

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