The Week In Vocab

The Week in Vocab

Review the Biggest Buzzwords of the Week! When you follow national and worldwide affairs, you get access to fascinating men and women, wild science, lands previously unknown, and sometimes surprising events from your own backyard. And each week, it seems like a few words get repeated again and again. Each week, we’ll highlight the top buzzwords or terms that your students might not have known or even heard until now. All these words are featured in the most recent edition of The Week in Rap. And once they beef up their vocab, the news will make a lot more sense. THIS…

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Martin Luther King Jr Biography

Martin Luther King Jr Biography

This coming Monday, many of us will enjoy the day off. Do you know why? Ask yourself, what can I say about the man for whom this day is named? Martin Luther King, Jr. was an important leader in the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and '60s. He advocated for a nonviolent approach to change and is regarded as one of the greatest leaders in world history. Read on to learn more about Martin Luther King, Jr. He was born Michael, but later changed his name to Martin Luther. He was the son, grandson, and great-grandson of Baptist ministers.…

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Five New Word Up Vocabulary Videos

Five New Word Up Vocabulary Videos

The Word Up Project used to just teach interdisciplinary vocabulary words through songs and activities. But now we're amping it up: We're working with a talented team of animators to bring you videos for every single Word Up song. (Yup, all 98 of them for grades 2-8.) If you've ever wanted to see penguins join a rock band, you're in luck today. Here are the newest five videos. These videos are for grades 2-4, but we have new vocabulary videos for the older grades coming up very soon. Check in next week for more! The New Videos 2nd Grade Vocabulary:…

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Six New Word Up Vocabulary Videos
  • December 12, 2011

Six New Word Up Vocabulary Videos

The Word Up Project used to just teach interdisciplinary vocabulary words through songs and activities. But now we're amping it up: We're working with a talented team of animators to bring you videos for every single Word Up song. (Yup, all 98 of them for grades 2-8.) We could wait till we had all of the videos to release them, but we know you'll want them ASAP. So each Monday, we are releasing our newest videos. Watch the six new videos we released today, and check in next Monday to see the newest crop. The New Videos 4th Grade Vocabulary:…

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Scientific Method Interactive Activity
  • November 30, 2011

Scientific Method Interactive Activity

The academic name "Scientific Method" is misleading. It conjures bubbling beakers and lab coats and pocket protectors. And it's true, scientists use the Scientific Method to make decisions. But it's not just scientists. The Scientific Method is a smart way to make decisions that students are probably already using every day. This Scientific Method interactive activity allows students to practice using the scientific method on common occurrences. So when they actually need to use it for science class, it'll be no sweat. Scientific Method Lesson Plan Objective: Students will be able to define and follow the steps of the scientific…

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