Teaching Nouns Lesson Plan
  • September 25, 2012

Teaching Nouns Lesson Plan

In Flocabulary's new video, two hungry characters learn about nouns in a chef's kitchen. Since nouns are the most delicious parts of speech (everything you eat is a noun!), your students may have food on their minds by the end of this song. Keep their focus with this writing activity about food and nouns.

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Place Value Lesson Plan
  • September 25, 2012

Place Value Lesson Plan

A Fun Place Value Activity [jwplayer file=http://flocabulary.s3.amazonaws.com/media/place-value-media.mp4 image=http://flocabulary.s3.amazonaws.com/images/place-value-image.jpg]  Check out the lyrics and more for our Place Value video.  Recently, Flocabulary debuted a new video for the Place Value song. The characters in the video are having such a great time learning place value, so why shouldn't your students? Place value is often illustrated with blocks or charts. Set those aside for a moment and have your students actively involved in this activity. Place Value Lesson Plan Objective: Students will identify proper place value of numbers. 1. Have students watch Flocabulary's Place Value video and click on the info boxes in…

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Presidential Campaign Ads Lesson Plan
  • September 21, 2012

Presidential Campaign Ads Lesson Plan

A lesson plan for language arts and social studies [jwplayer file=http://flocabulary.s3.amazonaws.com/media/presidential-election-process-media.mp4 image=http://flocabulary.s3.amazonaws.com/images/presidential-election-process-image.jpg]  Check out the lyrics and more for our presidential election process video.  Flocabulary recently released five new civics songs, including a presidential election video. The video includes footage from famous campaign ads. This lesson plan requires students to examine persuasive language in political campaign ads, and can be used in both a social studies and language arts class. Presidential Election Lesson Plan Objective: Students will analyze and identify modes of persuasion in campaign ads. 1. Have students watch Flocabulary's Presidential Election video and click on info boxes to learn more.…

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Teach Math With Current Events
  • September 21, 2012

Teach Math with Current Events

A percentage and estimation lesson Featuring the iPhone 5   Current events have a place in every subject, even math. And our weekly current events video, The Week in Rap, isn't just useful for social studies. In fact, our report on the iPhone 5 from last week's Week in Rap video lends itself well to this mini math lesson. The New York Times reported on the swarm of Apple fans lined up to purchase the iPhone 5. Although Apple hasn't released any exact sales numbers for the iPhone 5 on launch day, analyst Gene Munster made an educated guess by counting…

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Civics For Kids
  • September 20, 2012

Civics for Kids

[jwplayer file=http://flocabulary.s3.amazonaws.com/media/presidential-election-process-media.mp4 image=http://flocabulary.s3.amazonaws.com/images/presidential-election-process-image.jpg]  Check out the lyrics and more for our presidential election process video. Just in time for the upcoming elections, we are debuting our new Civics units. The new songs and videos feature a broad spectrum of topics, from the presidential election process to the founding fathers' inspiration for a more perfect union. Civics for kids has never been more musical! Additionally, each unit is aligned with Florida's civics standards, which are also used by other states as a model for civics instruction. The New Flocabulary Civics Units A More Perfect Union introduces John Locke and the Englightenment -…

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