5 Reasons Why Every Student Should Write Academic Raps

5 Reasons Why Every Student Should Write Academic Raps

"In west Philadelphia born and raised…" I would bet each one of you, without thinking, finished off the line. Music has an astonishing way of sticking in our minds, and for that reason rap and learning go great together. With their rich collection of songs that fit into just about any lesson, Flocabulary makes incorporating rap into your class super easy. While listening and rapping along are a common scene in my class, I love to give my students the opportunity to become rappers themselves by having them write their own academic raps. Here are 5 (+1 extra!) reasons every student…

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Read & Respond Now Provides Instant Feedback With Answer Explanations

Read & Respond Now Provides Instant Feedback with Answer Explanations

If there’s one thing we love here at Flocab HQ, it’s teacher feedback. (Okay, we also love pie and Spanish lessons, but that’s something else entirely...) When we launched Read & Respond—our reading passages and prompts tool—this summer, we made it clear that we wanted to hear from you, the awesome educators who use and, in turn, help improve Flocabulary. Already, your feedback has inspired changes.

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