Showcase Student Voice With Lyric Lab

Showcase student voice with Lyric Lab

Over the summer, I had the honor and privilege to attend Flipgrid’s Student Voice Conference in Minnesota. At the event, I was able to hear the always inspiring Matt Miller speak. This is not the first nor the last time, but every time I watch him present, I leave with inspiration and motivation to do better for my kids and my teachers. During his keynote, he said something that has stuck with me since. We often advocate for student voice, by saying things such as “let’s give our students a voice.” But Matt’s statement rings so true. They already have…

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Using Flocabulary As An Intervention Tool

Using Flocabulary as an intervention tool

Response to Intervention (RtI) is like a good pair of shapewear - supports you in all the right places while being unnoticeable. Done effectively, Response to Intervention (RtI) is the “Road to Independence” for many struggling learners. Students need interventions for success in the classroom: academically, behaviorally, or both. Flocabulary takes the stigma away from needing more help. Using Response to Intervention (RtI) activities through Flocabulary makes learning at your own level the new classroom norm. 1. Introduce Math concepts Need an intervention supporting students with multiplication and division? How ‘bout ratios and proportional relationships? Flocabulary has a lesson for…

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Banned Books Week: What’s The Hype?

Banned books week: what’s the hype?

Flocab LOVES librarians! I mean, we even have a whole rap about it. And this is a special week for our favorite book-loving friends. Between September 27th and October 3rd, bookworms all over the country celebrate Banned Books Week!  So why are librarians putting on their party hats for a bunch of banned and challenged books?  According to the American Library Association, Banned Books Week is a celebration of the freedom to read. The week brings the topic of censorship into focus, and celebrates that despite some texts being banned, most books have remained available, allowing continued access to information,…

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What Are Common Core Standards For Flocabulary Language Arts?

What are common core standards for Flocabulary language arts?

The Common Core English Language Arts standards spiral learning in a smart way. A new concept is introduced in one grade, and then practiced in later grades as students work slowly and confidently toward mastery. And Flocabulary's ELA songs and videos will help teachers to introduce and practice everything from vocabulary to grammar to reading and writing strategies. Read on to see the Common Core alignment for our ELA songs or view our math CCSSS alignment here. You can click on each image to view the aligned song or video! Vocabulary Alignment Increased vocabulary is crucial for reading in all…

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Classroom Design And Student Engagement

Classroom Design and Student Engagement

Engaging learning spaces are as much about physical and interior design as it is instructional: one study found that the physical space of schools can positively (or negatively) affect a student’s academic performance by as much as 25% in one school year. Businesses are moving away from the Office Space days of cubicles and fluorescent lighting, opting instead for couches, standing desks, bean bags and other methods of creating comfortable environments. (In fact, I’m writing this sprawled out on a couch tucked away in a cozy corner of Flocab HQ.)  The same should go for classrooms, and yet it has…

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