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Our Next Week in Rap Shout-Out Contest Winner Is…

Our latest challenge for the Week in Rap Shout-Out Contest was to write about a news story we didn’t cover, in a style similar to our infoboxes, and include your source. We received some interesting and thought-provoking stories, but only one could win the shout-out. Watch the video here.

And the winner is…

Bannockburn School, Illinois:

Scientists say that the Grand Canyon is 6 million years old. Rebecca Flowers, a geologist at the University of Colorado, says something different. She says that it is over 70 million years old. Her research, which reconstructs the ancient landscape using a technique called thermochronology, is being met with a cool reception from veteran geologists who study the Colorado Plateau. It is hard to think that people can estimate the age of a huge landscape like that.

The winning entry’s source was The Washington Post. Bannockburn School went above and beyond in this round, and had so many interesting news stories for us. That’s why the following runners-up are from Bannockburn school as well.

Greenland’s temperature rose significantly in a few days. In just 4 days almost the entire ice surface of Greenland turned to slush. As it melted away, people started to wonder if it was just a heat wave, or global warming?
– Same school as the winner (source: National Geographic)

The Mayan calendar prophesied the end of the world to be December 21, 2012. In Russia, France and Mexico, there are many different incidents of people gathering candles, matches, food and other supplies in order to survive the “upcoming end.” The governments disapprove, and the French authorities are even going to close off Bugarach Mountain (a tall mountain some people were going to find refuge in to wait for the world to end).
– Same school as the winner (source: The New York Times)

Thanks to all our participants for their great work. We won’t be having a shout-out contest next week, but be sure to enter our Year In Rap Student Contest with the New York Times! We can’t wait to see your rhymes!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Hey flocab this is Sammy Baker with Coleman middle school in Tampa Florida comin at cha. I know you probably have the flocab all ready for tomorrow but can mr.widstrand’s 6th period class and I have a shout out!!!!!!! We watch your show EVERY FRIDAY!!!!!! We absolutely LOVE it!!!!!! All my friends and really want a shout out, it would make our lives!!!!!!!!! Please flo we love you and we would be sooooooooooooo happy if you gave us a shout out!!!!!

    Ps: if you could email me back that would be soooooo nice

    WE LOVE YOU FLO!!!!!!

    Sammy Baker and Mr. Widstrand’s 6th period class

  2. Awww shucks! No dice for us again this week in the shout-out contest! We’re going to keep on trying!
    Thanks for this new feature to go along with The Week in Rap Video!

    Merry Christmas,

    5th Graders of Mr. Spicer’s class

  3. My group of 6th graders REALLY want to participate in the year in rap contest, but noticed the rules state they have to be 13 years old. Any chance you might rethink the age requirement? 🙂
    Mrs. Scofield’s 6th graders

    1. Hello Mrs. Scofield’s 6th graders!

      We’re so glad to hear that you want to participate. Since we’re working with The New York Times Learning Network, the contest must follow their requirement that entrants be at least 13 years old. But we definitely recommend that you still create your own “Year in Rap” verses! Though they won’t count for the official contest, if you email them to us, we’d love to see them and we’ll let you know what we think!

      The Flocabulary Team

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