Students’ Dream Schools

Students’ Dream Schools

Every week, our Week in Rap Shout Out Contest gives students an opportunity to win a shout out for their school in the next Week in Rap. Last week, in honor of the new school year, we asked you to describe your ideal school. What would students study there? What courses would it offer? What would be the school’s mission?

Our winning entry comes from Normandy Middle School in St. Louis, Missouri. They took us to “Low Down Middle School,” and they created both a school pledge/song and a course list.

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Student Portmanteaus

Student Portmanteaus

Every week we have a new Week in Rap Shout Out Contest and give a shout-out to the winner on Friday. For this week's contest, we asked you to concoct a portmanteau, combining the sounds and meanings of two words. Flocabulary is a portmanteau, in fact. And you all really wowed us with your creativity this week – we received hundreds of inventive entries. Narrowing it down to just one winner was difficult work! In the end, the win goes to Andrew Carnegie Elementary School in Chicago, Illinois. They came up with the following portmanteaus: Lucrinite – Lucrative + Infinite…

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