Time Travel Adventures
Every week, our Week in Rap Shout-Out Contest gives students an opportunity to win a shout out for their school in the next Week in Rap. For this week’s contest, we asked you: If you could travel in time, what time period would you visit?
Our winner this week is West Plains Middle School in West Plains, MO. Mrs. Harris’s class had some great ideas about which important moments in history to visit!
- If I could time travel, I would go back in time once, and then come back. I would go back to the Civil War to help slaves escape on the Underground Railroad. I would consider it an honor and a privilege to help the enslaved escape their old lives and start anew. — Hannah
- I would like to back in time. I would like go because I want to keep the future a secret. If I could, I would go back 2 days before Pompeii fell. I would like to Pompeii because nobody knows what it was like because they only care about how they died. When I was there, I would see how they lived, what they ate, who the people of Pompeii were. I wouldn’t warn them because I don’t want to mess up history. So, if you asked me . . . I would travel to the past and travel to Pompeii. — Paige
- If I could time travel I would go back to July 21st, 1969, and witness the moon landing of Apollo 11. I would like to speak to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. It would be really cool to go to the moon with them. I would like to plant another flag on the moon, and say my ‘version’ of what Neil Armstrong said, which would be “One small step for woman, one giant step for woman-kind.” — Grace
Thank you for your thoughtful entries, and congratulations to West Plains Middle School!
We also wanted to share two of our other favorite class entries. These would be amazing moments in our country’s history to witness firsthand.
- Our class has been learning about some of the first colonies of America and if we could travel back to a point in time, we would choose to go back to The Lost Colony of Roanoke. (It started in 1587). We would travel there to find out the real reason why Roanoke ( The Lost Colony) was “lost”. We could follow the people from Roanoke to find out what happened to them. Everyone has been wondering about what happened to the and why they disappeared. Maybe John White went to the wrong place. Maybe the people of Roanoke went to live with the Indians to Croatoan Island. Nobody knows what happened and it still remains a mystery today. If we could time travel, we would find out the mystery of the lost colony and the mystery would be solved! — Yousef, Ellie, Karli and Jacob, Mrs. Paulus’s 5th Grade Class, Rush Creek Elementary, Maple Grove, MN
- After much discussion and study, we decided that the time period in history that we would like to visit is the time during the Revolutionary War in American History. We learned that this time period is from about 1775 – 1783. This is when America seemed to be its most dedicated to a single cause. America was fighting for its freedom. We think that this is important, and we formed a strong nation. If we went back in time to the Revolutionary War period, we think that we would like to fight alongside with General George Washington. We read in a reading story how hard it was to suffer in the cold weather with very little food and warm coats. Brrrrr. We would like to try to make it across the Delaware, under Washington’s leadership. Being part of this surprise attack that turned the war in our favor, would be challenging, but neat. Maybe we could even be part of a famous painting. It is cool how these brave men sacrificed so much for our country. — Ms. Angela Johnson’s Class, Westside Elementary School, Clewiston, FL
Thank you to everyone who sent us their time travel ideas! Don’t forget to enter this Friday’s Week In Rap Shout-Out Contest for a chance to win a shout out on October 10.