Flocabulary at FETC 2017
This time next week, members of the Flocabulary team will be gearing up for what will surely be an awesome FETC 2017. Are you heading to Orlando, too? Read on to find out what’s on tap at Booth 2317—our home base for FETC.
As you make your way through the expo hall, don’t miss our booth! This year we’re thrilled to welcome Allison Schalk, Digital Learning Coach from Lanesville, IN, to the Flocabulary booth. She’ll be presenting 15-minute mini sessions at our booth throughout FETC on topics for both Flocab newbies and seasoned experts alike:
What’s New with Flocab?
Wednesday @ 4:30 PM, Thursday @ 2:45 PM
A longtime user, Allison has seen Flocabulary evolve from books and CDs (!) to a full-fledged digital platform with over 800 cross-curricular units. She’ll share how her district has been using Flocabulary’s new features this school year, giving you concrete ideas to take back to your classroom.
Flocabulary & Flipped Classrooms
Thursday @ 9:45 AM, Friday @ 9:30 AM
How can Flocabulary support flipped classrooms or classrooms with a blended learning model? Allison will share her first-hand experience of using Flocabulary in 1:1 programs for flipped and differentiated instruction.
Members of the Flocab crew (myself included 😅 ) will also be presenting at the top of the hour. Here’s what’s on tap:
Flocab 411
Top of every even hour (e.g. 10 AM, 12 PM, 2 PM)
A crash course in all things Flocabulary, “Flocab 411” provides an overview for those new to Flocabulary, or anyone who wants to learn about our new features that deepen the learning experience for students. Writing raps in class? Yep, we’ll show you how.
Why Rap in Education?
Top of every odd hour (e.g. 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM)
One question we get asked a lot at Flocabulary is, “Why use rap and hip-hop? Why not some other genre?” Beyond the fact that we plain old love it (we have Biggie Smalls wallpaper in our office, after all…), there are bigger reasons as to why hip-hop is an ideal genre for learning. Stop by to learn about the rhyme and reason of using rap in education.
We know conferences are all about swag. Which is why we’re giving away Flocab goodies at every session happening at Booth 2317. Want your shot at a Flocab Prize Pack? Just swing by the booth during one of our 15-minute sessions to enter. Not only will you learn about best practices and research behind Flocabulary, you could walk away with some sweet stuff. What’s not to Flove?
Each Flocab Prize Pack includes a:
- T-shirt
- Water bottle
- Tote bag
- Buttons
- Pens
- Stickers
- “Hip-Hop Educator” Badge ribbon
Don’t miss your chance at snagging a prize pack at FETC!
The FETC site has over 650 presenters listed for the conference this year, so it’s no wonder if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with selecting sessions. We’re pretty pumped about these sessions, presented by some of our Flocabulary MC Educators—don’t miss ’em!
Hip-Hop, Technology, Movement & Love: Using H.T.M.L. to Cultivate a Culturally Responsive Classroom
Thursday from 2:00 PM – 2:40 PM
How can hip-hop, technology, movement, and love help you to develop a culturally responsive classroom? Find out as we engage in high interest text, music, and movement examples from K-12 that honor students’ culture by allowing them to make personal and curricular connections.
This is one interactive, energetic, and audience centered learning party you do not want to miss!

Joquetta Johnson
The Digital Diva
Session Location:
Convention Center – South 330FG
Transparent is the New Black: New Literacies That Look Fabulous On You
Friday from 8:00 – 10:30 AM
Be daring and go transparent! Straight from the Paris & New York runways it’s time to be on trend and change into that digital shift! Pump up your web presence and stand out from the crowd by being culturally literate, Interweb savvy, and cloud computing friendly and embracing our new transliterate “remix mashup culture.” Advocate for your practice and our profession by embracing social media and start strutting your stuff.
Having a hip web presence isn’t showing off — It’s sharing with the community. Gather round: it’s time to make it work! This workshop will feature hands-on time to craft a new web presence style in easy-to-follow patterns. By the time you leave, you’ll have a fully functional wardrobe of ways to style your web presence fashion!

Gwyneth Jones
The Daring Librarian
Session Location:
Hyatt Regency – Winter Park 51
Phew, that was exhausting, wasn’t it? There’s so much to do, see and learn at FETC, and we can’t wait to tackle this awesome conference with you.
To help you stay organized with all the happenings at the Flocab Booth #2317, we’ve built a site just for FETC attendees, head over there now to get our full schedule, find our booth on the expo hall map, and more:
See you in Orlando! 👋