Future Self-Portraits
Every week, our Week in Rap Shout-Out Contest gives students an opportunity to win a shout out for their school in the next Week in Rap. For this week’s contest, we challenged you to draw a self-portrait—from twenty years in the future!
Our winner this week is Halls Middle School in Knoxville, TN. Check out these stellar entries from Tea, Clara, and Skyler.
Hi, my name is Tea. I am looking forward to being a nurse. I can help other people which makes me feel good. It’s also not that hard. Sure, I will get tired sometimes but most of it is easy. Sometimes I’ll be able to help the doctor do surgery. I was inspired by my grandma Sure. She studied a lot but it’s worth it because no she has a home, family and food.
In twenty years I would like to be a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is someone who helps people solve problems (mental illness or addictions). There are five steps to becoming a psychiatrist. First, you must ear a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Next, you must attend medical school. It usually takes four to five years to complete medical school. Then, you must complete your residency. Last, you must become licensed to practice and get certified.
I would like to specialize in working with children. I think I would be good at this because I have had many difficulties in my life. The two biggest were that I have a genetic disease called Loeys Dietz Syndrome. I was the first child to EVER be diagnosed. The second struggle was that my mom and dad got divorced. Even though I know it was the right thing to do for the family, it was still hard to be in the middle.
I would like this field because it would feel good to help other people.
I will be a veterinarian and a mother. I will be around 31 years old since I’m 11 years old now. I hope I’m a successful years from now and will look like this. I might even own my own business someday. I focused on being a vet but maybe my life will take a turn and I’ll major in something else. And if all goes right, I will be living a happy life with my own family and a pet or two.
Congratulations to Mrs. Thomas’s class and everyone at Halls Middle School.
Thank you to everyone who shared their self-portraits with us! Don’t forget to enter this Friday’s Week In Rap Shout-Out Contest for a chance to win a shout out on October 17.