November Flocabchat

November’s #FlocabChat: Elevating and Showcasing Student Voice

Our next #FlocabChat is coming right up! Join us Tuesday, November 15 at 8 PM ET, when we’ll gather the community to talk about student voice.

At Flocabulary, we believe that making a place for student voice in classrooms and schools can lead to engaged and passionate students. But how can educators weave it into lessons, classroom culture, and more? We’re looking forward to chatting with the #FlocabChat crew about what student voice means, and share real tips and ideas for showcasing it in our classrooms and schools.  

Shout-out to this month’s host, 4th grade teacher Christine Halliday, who has inspired us over the years by allowing students to follow and express their interests in her classroom (Check this post on one inspiring project they tackled together last year!).

November’s Host

Christine Halliday

Ready to chat about student voice with us? Here are the questions we’ll explore together:

Question 1

What does student voice mean to you and how can it be brought into the classroom/school? #FlocabChat

Question 2

Why is student voice so important? Does it connect with levels of academic achievement? #FlocabChat

Question 3

What challenges do you face in prioritizing student voice in your classroom/school? #FlocabChat

Question 4

What is the best example of showcasing student voice that you’ve seen? #FlocabChat!

Question 5

How have edtech tools helped – or hurt – efforts to prioritize student voice in the classroom? #FlocabChat

Question 6

How can educators use Flocabulary to support students in expressing their voice? #FlocabChat

Question 7

What’s one idea for integrating student voice/choice that you’ll try after #FlocabChat

Will we see you online next week? Help us spread the word using the tweet link below!

[Tweet “I’m joining #FlocabChat with @MrsHallidays4th on 11/15 at 8 PM ET. Let’s talk about #stuvoice!”]